Sunday, May 22, 2016

Critique 5-9-2016

Oil painting by Dave

The group studying...

Colored Pencil by Donna

Iceland photo by Bill

Pastel abstract by Lee

Better this way?

Watercolor portrait by Sarah Jane

Watercolor by George

Oil painting by Dave...again in that frame

Colored Pencil by Gerri

Alcohol Ink on Yupo by Linda

Viewing upside down

And, cropped

Pastel landscape by Lee

Another photo of Iceland ice by Bill

Colored Pencil landscape by Donna
Our critique group meets the second Monday each month in the Arts and Crafts room of the Brunswick Recreation Center from 9AM - Noon.  Newcomers are welcome, and anyone who would like to have their work critiqued in a safe, nurturing environment is encouraged to join us.  Or, simply stop in and observe.  It's free and open to anyone over 55 years of age.  We hope to see YOU soon!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Here we are again...Wednesday morning and it's our special time to
get together and create.   And what a beautiful morning it was, both
outside and inside.   As you'll recall, last week we had our mini-
encaustic workshop (and it was a huge success).  This week each of us brought
whatever art project we chose to work on and, as usual, you'll  see
a variety of mediums used.   I frequently like to start with Dave's project(s), and
here is a sampling of what he did today.   Always the "mad scientist", Dave
played with his acrylic paint and made several abstracts...and had a good
time doing them.  Isn't that the point?

Linda worked with alcohol inks today.    Is that
a mountain range....or are these expressionistic waves crashing on
the shore?  What do you see?

Gerri also worked with alcohol inks this morning.  Here's a close up of
what the inks did when in contact with each other.  The artist only has
a limited amount of control over alcohol inks, so they lend themselves
 to pure play.

Chris completed her collage, started two weeks ago.  Please go back in
the blog to see before and after photos.  Her collage is so personal,
incorporating family photos and her childhood
immunization record.   Very nice, Chris.

Marsha brought with her some of the encaustic creations
she did last with mats around them.
They are small but mighty and look great in the mats.
Although abstract, you can find little hidden treasures
in each one when you study them.  Is something looking
at you?

Marsha started a new painting, too.  You can see her
reference photo, upper left, taken on a vacation.

Just thought we would share a couple more of Marsha's encaustics.

Can you feel the Spring air and light?   Mary Ann shared her finished watercolor
landscape, started several weeks ago.  If you go back a couple of weeks,
in the blog, you'll be able to see how this painting developed.

Karen was working on her colored pencil birds prior to the encaustic
workshop.  Now finished, you can see her paintings made
into paperweights.

This week Karen was working on a colored pencil
 portrait.  Notice her reference photo. 

Lee was working with her pastels today.   First she did a small can
see her sketchbook.  On the larger painting, notice how her colors "pop" on the dark

This floral is painted in acrylic.   Although this is the finished
painting, it was started at the Rec. Center this morning.   Sorry, I forgot
to photograph it while it was being worked on there.  Fortunately, I had a
chance to work on it later at home.

The first three weeks in May seemed to fly by.   We won't be getting
together again until the first Wednesday in June (June!  Already!).

Come join us on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 from 9am till noon at the Brunswick Rec.
Center.   Everyone is welcome.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Today was quite an interesting (and fun) day.  This was the day
 we held a mini-encaustics workshop for anyone who wanted
to join in.   Lee began our session by giving a little history
of encaustics and demonstrated how to get started.  We
painted "small" today, mostly on heavy card stock cut into 2" x 3" or
3" x 5" pieces.   Because we were working with melted wax
crayons, we were careful to contain any dripping wax
onto a metal cookie sheet (or aluminum covered

As you can see, we had a full house this morning.  Sixteen
artists came out this morning for the workshop.

After we watched Lee's demonstration, everyone was
ready to dive in.  At first the room was very quiet
as we all began to work.   It didn't take long before we
 were having fun, and the noise level went up
as we compared our creations and talked.

The following photos will show a sampling of everyone's
efforts.   You'll be able to get a sense of the variety of effects
that can be attained by using a dark colored surface to melt
the wax onto (colors "pop" more against a dark surface) versus
a white surface.  Also, notice the effects when scratches are
made into the still-warm, liquid wax.

Dave used a different method for the encaustics he created.
Instead of melting crayons onto the foot plate of a hot craft iron,
he utilized a hot plate to melt encaustics wax, then painted the
 melted wax onto his metal surface.   He then pressed a sheet
of rice paper into the melted wax, creating a mono-
print effect.

Here he used a gold foil paper for his mono-print.  The photo
does not do it justice, I'm afraid. However, I think you'll
agree that his result was quite unique.

This time Dave used a silver foil paper.  It really was
vibrant.  Hopefully, you can get a sense of
some of the reflective qualities when using
the foil papers.

Barb split her art time between an encaustic project and
beginning a watercolors  painting.

Jim continued working with his watercolor painting, started last week.  If
you check last week's blog posting, you'll be able to see how his
artwork is progressing.

Thank you everyone for coming out today.  Creating with encaustics meant
bringing supplies that we don't usually bring for our regular artwork.   Thank you, Lee, for
bringing lots of extra supplies so that everyone could try a variety
of materials.   I think everyone who experimented with the encaustics today will
agree that it added a little "spice" to our art time.

Next Wednesday, May 18th, please bring along whatever art medium
you would like to paint with for our time at the Rec Center.