Thursday, November 29, 2018

Vintage Artists, November 14, 2018

Don's composition is a way of learning about color influenced by Paul Klee.

Bonnie's cool kitty is slowly, but surely being finalized.

Donna is moving along with another sylvan landscape.

Creating away on a dreary November day.

We are researching and learning as we work.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

2nd Monday Critiques, November 12, 2018


Photos are from our most recent critique.  The first half of our session was spent critiquing the completed painting that Carol Stevens' had begun at a previous session.  Then, using suggested guidelines, we critiqued our work.  We have some exciting things coming up, so be watching for a notice in the near future.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Vintage Artists, November 7, 2018

It would be a great joy to take a walk in this summer garden drawn by Michele

Lee's fanciful Fall landscape catches the eye with the red row of trees.

Don is starting to sketch this challenging view of an infinity pool!

Chris's swans are floating on a dramatic waterway.

Donna's Fall to Winter Landscape matches our current weather
pattern.  Burrr! 

Bonnie's Aunt's Kitty is close to being finished.

Don't forget the critique on Monday at 9:30 a.m.
See you there!