Friday, January 14, 2022

Second Monday Critique, January 10, 2022

Jackie Ritter 

Mike Rozack

Chris Kelly

Don Ritter

Don Ritter

Mike Rozack

Jackie Ritter

Don Ritter

January 10, 2022 was a dreary cloudy day.  In spite of the weather, the attendees engaged in a 
bright lively critique discussion about the art.  The critiques have been like this for a couple of 
months and have been helpful to those who have presented their art.  I hope you will consider 
joining us in the future. 

 Important note:  During the month of February, we will meet in the 
large room where they serve meals around noontime.  This room offers much more space for social distancing as we found when we were using that room before.  This is just for the month of February and we must be out of the room by 11:30 am.
Hope to see you soon!  Bonnie